Suzie's Story
Suzie: “I can run heaps fast now and I’m faster than some of my friends!”.
“Working with WAASP’s physiotherapist Natasha Deans has opened up a whole new world for my now six-year-old daughter Suzie. Suzie became an amputee at 16 months old and between then and 5 years old there wasn’t an accessible physiotherapist or service for her to see.
Since starting physiotherapy her confidence has grown and she has become much happier. Suzie’s sport teachers have commented on her improved gait and strength and has taken note of her increased confidence and willingness to try new things. Before having physiotherapy she didn’t trust herself or her leg to support her to do what she needed to do, however, working with Tash and building her strength has also built the trust in herself that she can do more and that she has the ability and equipment to try new activities and learn new skills.
She now rides her bike with the neighbourhood kids, plays hopscotch at school, skips with her peers and does not shy away from hopping and jumping during sports days.
WAASP endeavours to help more children like my daughter Suzie and I cannot wait to see what possibilities open up for other future children with these sports days, prosthetic componentry sponsorship and helping other children who cannot access prosthetic feet be able to achieve their personal goals.”